Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Basketball Tournaments for HSEB 2071 Students

Well, I hope things turn out fine now that I have decided to go on with it. Yes, I have decided to get the balls rolling and organize the Post-HSEB 3X3 Basketball Championship 2014: Seasons 1 & 2. Season 1 will be open for students who are appearing in this year's HSEB Grade 12 exams and Season 2 is for students who will face the Grade XI HSEB exams.

Season 1 will feature more than 12 teams contesting for the cash prize of NPR (price not disclosed yet!). The MVPs will receive a handsome sum of money as prizes from both the boys and girls categories. This event will be organized in association with SMDI and the helpful support from the guys at Nepal Basketball and Vintage Education Foundation.

I still have my fingers crossed; I hope it proves to be a BIG event, bigger than any like it before.

Important links for the event are as follows:
Website | FB Page | YouTube Channel

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