Tuesday, September 17, 2013

The End of My Journey with The Perfect Strangers

If you have been playing an instrument for at least one year, you can't let music go off your thoughts. Even if you say you are out of it, whenever you listen to a song, be it a new one or an old one, your instincts will make a part of your body move or you may just as well tap your feet. I was a drummer for some time, and I didn't do that well. But now when I listen to any song, my hands start banging the table making some noise, which I call music and I love it. 

The Perfect Strangers (inspired by the song "Perfect Strangers" - Deep Purple)
We started with ten (10) members in 2001, namely;

Manager and Lead Guitarist Asing Liegise
Rhythm Guitarist and Composer Binod Nakarmi
Rhythm Guitarist and Singer Susan Tamang
Bass Guitarist Additya Giri
Drummer Me
Vocalists Deepak and Mina Nakarmi | Sanjeet Gurung | Lopsang Lama | Maya Lama

[Click on the names to view the profiles]

A Few Highlights: 2001-2011, with The Perfect Strangers
Went on to win the 7th prize in the Talent Show with Nasha Bhitra Nasha Sari (Susan sang it). September 1st, 2002 - we performed a few covers and got into music totally. The following years saw us write and compose our own songs. And then The Perfect Strangers entered into the final round of the Pepsi VoxPop Beat Contest 2004 held inside Birendra International Convention Centre. Only five (5) members were making the band survive then. After Asing Sir left for Korea, Binod took over as Lead Guitarist and frontman. Then we started performing at Bars and Pubs and the many gigs helped us get into Sprite Band Challenge 3 where we made it to the Top 12 and then decided to back down for some time. We have performed at Moksh, Paddy Foley's Irish Pub, Vesper Cafe, Buzz Cafe & Bar and more.

The Deusi-Bhailos used to rock a lot when the band came together and there are a lot of great memories to cherish, and not share on this blog.

[Other contributors to the band: Bikas | Sudarshan | Sima]

I quit music a long time back in 2012, but I think music won't leave me alone and I appreciate the artists whose songs I have been listening to all my life. Now I come to know that I had just quit the band, NOT music. Wherever I go in the world, there's going to be music. So, I have decided to start writing songs and share it with those who are in the industry or with those who want to be in the industry.

If you want to add anything else to this post (of course, since I can't think of anything else right now), you are more than welcome to do that. Just write to me.

Quotes on music that I truly fancy:

If music be the food of love, play on.
William Shakespeare 

I was born with music inside me. Music was one of my parts. Like my ribs, my kidneys, my liver, my heart. Like my blood. It was a force already within me when I arrived on the scene. It was a necessity for me-like food or water.
Ray Charles 

Without music, life would be a mistake.
Friedrich Nietzsche 

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